Wednesday, 18 February 2009

HU still sucks....... this time i did own tho

well for this reason im feeling fucking pissed off atm.
I just played a regular grinder/player HU at my normal stakes 2/4 and stacked him right off the bat w/ him calling a 3 bet w/ KJ and board coming A,K,x,J I had AJ . I 3 bet $12 to $40 he calls. i C-bet flop for 52 into 72 he calls. now i turn the nuts effectivily and check to him. he bets 100 even and i jam allin for 300 he snaps me off in a second and shoves 2 pair also i hold vs the 5%er and ship the 850 pot.
about 20 mins l8er not much has gone on. he has been 3 betting me a decent amount pre so i call one time w/ J9s flops J,8,7 i check to him and he bet about 62 into 80 i call. turn is 9 and completes the flush. i almost mnever expect him to hav an 8 here or flush. both of which are possible but when he checks to me i 100% think i hav the best hand. I bet out 115 into 188 i think . i love my bet here as i think it looks weak and he may try and shove over it w/ a high spade on the semi bluff. he thinks for a few seconds thn shoves i insta snap him off and he shows me QJ w/ no spade and ofc hits his openender on the river !!! i absolutly hate his play here i mean he drawing dead sumtimes even. i like his play alot more if he had a spade which would add soooo much equity to his hand. But w/e lose a $900 pot i guess. My great turn bet made him spaz out like it was ment to but he got ther , nuffin i can do.......... :-(

pretty tilted after tht hand cause i cant seem to string anything together last few days, and relli wanna get the results i desearve :) had to quit after tht beat cause got pissed off and cant play well when im annoyed. Gonna pop out and see my mum and family now., plus get sum nice food !! YUMMY
Got pool tonight which should be fun as always i ll update if anything interesting happens.
GG me

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