Wednesday, 3 December 2008

A day off poker !!!! wtf?

yo yo :-) Had a great day today really. I decided not to play any poker and enjoy myself and it was very nice. Firstly i went to get my sub and cd head unit and ended up spending £170 on a ALPINE head unit and £200 on a VIBE SUB. the cd player is gettin fitted by halfords (ahhhh they suck i hope they do i good job) on friday at 4pm and sum1 is comin out to sort the sub out on saturday afternoon. The tunes will be blasting Saturday night for sure.
I had pool tonight which was a relli good night out and enjoyed myself alot. It was a cup game at the raven but the team we was ment to be playing did nt turn up so we claimed a 9-0 reayy lol. We all went bak to the snooker hall and played pool and snooker all night. I played alot of snooker which i had great fun playing with Brett and Tom even tho im crap at it. Defo showed signs tht i could pot a few balls today which was nice :) I played Brett at pool for £10 1st one to 10 games but i managed to swindle a 7-0 head start, he had to use a cue from the rack (very bad cue's) and also i got to break in every game LOL i won the 1st match like 10-5 and won the 2nd match 10-9. I did nt play so gd the 2nd time around but still shipped the £20 haha PWNED his ass lol well im goin to sleep now as im driving to london tomoz to do a couple of things so gotta be up earlyish.

peace out. keep it safe and dont do drugs :)
Andy C

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