Saturday, 6 December 2008

meh friday night and crazy ideas about sunderland

hey ppl, Well last night i went out in my car with a m8 who went out in his and it was pretty shit relli. He picked up sum relli hot girl called livvy who they both fancy each other but are retards in saying to each other they like one another, SIGH. NO1 wanted to cum out last night it was like a black death had been put on all my friends but W/E.
so when i got home i played an hour of poker and won like $230 and quit tired. but while i was busy winning i was speaking to this girl from sunderland called laura whi is very fit and seems a very genine person. We got talking and sum how we managed to decide it was a gd idea if i went up ther and stayed in a hotel and she would cum see me. ATM my SUB is being fitted and will take 2-3 hours says the bloke a pro fitter. So maybe when the man is finished if my new fuse fixs the cigarette lighter problem (so my sat nav will work) thn i may drive the 6 hours to Sunderland and stay for a few days in a hotel and chill out. If the girl is genuine and how she is online then i no we will get on great. thn tht would be a plus and if not then i can relax and play sum poker on laptop etc. So im praying tht my new fuse fixs the problem fingers crossed.
Maybe i ll update in sunderland next time i update tht would be funny but peace out and hav a great weekend..

Andy C

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