Monday, 15 March 2010

The crazy world

Wasup the crazy world ? Well what hav I been upto thn since my last post?

Well Had a few messy nights out on the town gettin extreamly drunk and dancing my ass off lol

One thing tht put me in super tilt this week was the boiler broke all of a sudeden. It was a top notch brand new system a year ago. I tryed calling someone to come and fix it after like 10 phone calls i realised tht no1 couyld be bothered it seemed and wanted me to wait like 3 days ! WTF i was willing to pay but no1 would help me...... SO i decided to take matters into my own hands and started to browse the internet forums on boiler repairs loool Anyways after an hour of searching i found some great material which seemed to be on my problem :) So i took my new knowledge downstairs to tackle to boiler a few turns of stuff and sum magic hands and BOOM it worked again ...... ( Im So PRO hehe ) Well anyways We now hav a leaking pipe upstairs which in order to fix need a plasterer to cut a hole in the kitchen roof to reach the broken pipe......

more costs sigh. Also the hoover broke today so will be buyin a new dyson :) im guessing this is the most balla hoover u can get.

The Tattoo on my arm needs to be sorted still ..... finding a date for the 1st stage of my sleeve. All this needs to be done before Vegas June 1st

On the poker front not been playing much this month just not been in the mood too much.
I did however hav to deposit $2,250 on ftp so i could pay Someone My share of the Vegas house.
Soooo i put on 3k paid the man his money and tryed to spin up on rush poker. My acc balance is now at 3.8k so a nice hefty 3k profit in a couple weeks of average 45 mins a day probs lol so been running pretty good on the whole. tho i managed to lose QQ on Q,8,5 vs 55 the 1 outer 5 turned for $600 pot at 1/2 but pretty standard to wont complain too much.....actually ran KK into AA the last 3 times pretty brutal but i really do like the whole rush poker makes a nice change + can play alot of hands very quickly. LAG ftw :)
My pkr acc is slowly creaping up also Just broke the $30,000 mark.
Karl the gayer is doing well this week in mtts playing great he says and binked a few final tables which is nice. hopefully he can hav a huge insane heater before Vegas thn PWN the WSOP.
All in all im really really happy about the way iv come bak from the downswing the last few months. Turned it around 100% now and bak to winning ways once again.

Ahh really wanted to mention one thing my dad and mother taught me was Mannors my dads fav saying to me was "Manners Makes Thy Man"
The other night the subject of Manners came up on our taxi home ( very very drunk at he time). Now im a huge fan of PLEASE AND THANKYOUs they cost exactly nothing but show people around tht ur not a scum bag. Like for instance when ur driving and u hav to wait for another car to pass they flash their lights at you or put their hand up. it a small thing but it really makes me fuckin pissed off when they dont, How can sum ppl forget or are their ppl tht are really tht plain ignorant???
This brings me on the the Swearing thing...... Now i love to swear in fact my Favorite word in the whole world is actually FUCK ! its just such a god damn brilliant word.... so so so many different contexts for this Godly word. What i dont get is how the FUCK can ppl get offended when u swear we all know the words exist ! If u swear at someone its a big differance ie "your a fuckin shit taxi driver u piece of shit cunt" now obv thts offensive. But how can ppl get annoyed when u use the words "WOW what a fucking top night out, Im sooo pissed"
Am i the only one in the world tht sees the 1st one is offensive and the 2nd is fine????
Seriously tho this is the modern world now. swearing is the least of our worlds problems i mean just ask BONO...... this guys tilts me so hard

Anyways im off gl at the tables and in life
Andy C

1 comment:

Kloonike said...

Fuck what people think!