Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Long time no update

Well i hav been playing sum games on Ipoker this month with mixed results..... I was up $6k ish to now down $9k I think i am gonna play alot more solid on 5-10 ther from now on as ppl are stacking off so frickin light. I have run alful tho this week tbf tho so w/e. will change soon im sure. On pkr im actually up a little this month thanks to sum fish the last couple nights plus beating tiptop for a few buyins at 5-10 HU. My PLO game is comming on leaps and bounds, I just need to play solid Tag/nitty style and i will be a winner for sure. Playing on ipoker is sick because i get 55% rake back, which amounts to fucking loads at the end of the month if i put any amount of volume in.
p.s I did lose a like 3k at limit holdem Highstakes. meh w/e limit is great fun :)
I am currently up about $3,000 on betting on football over the last couple weeks. Im considering a big bet on Phil Taylor he is 2-1 on. But ther is no way any1 can beat him imo. the guys a fucking legend and unstoppable. Sooooo i might chuck a few thousand dollars on!!!!!!

On news tht doesn't involve poker it was My Dads funeral the other week and i am pleased to say it was a nice and respectful day on all accounts. My Auntie behaved and all parties got on well :)
My uncle has seen the will now also and apparently myself and my 2 brothers will get everything.
Will be nice tbh as we never got much from dad ever. As it stands atm i know he has at least 3 houses but 2 are with tenants. But...... His house Looks like Myself and at least Joe will be moving in and making it a Lush Pad. I hav lots of ideas for a sick lounge area !
My brother is apparently said he is joining the marines soon......... Im pretty reluctant about this as i just think of War etc and ppl dying. Meh who knows

Ok gonna go get a KFC now and play sum mtt's tonight me thinks !

Gd luck every1, Andy C

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