Saturday, 30 May 2009


run the worste of my life in mtts l8ly here are the hands i v lost
AA vs kk allin pre flop in ftops 54 left
AQs vs K10o on final table bubble of 50r
AA vs A4o on final table bubble in 50r
AA vs JJ in 100r in monster pot
setup bs in 100r QQ VS KK (I even hit a set and still lost)
got 2 outed on river in my £1k live mtt
QQ vs AQo in 100r on the bubble for 2nd place in chips pot
Lost a 70% fav for a 70k pot at 20k average in 100r 28 left, stack would been 3 1/2 times average
o yeh and the A5 on 3,5,5 vs k7o the runner runner straight and plus he had no flush draw either to get 12th in the stars nightly?
many many others also ! Its fuckin sick!
I cant win a key fucking hand? even being ahead so fuckin much . im tired of it :(

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