Monday, 29 March 2010

BINK, UFC, Arsenal vs Barca, Vegas flights

Well last Sunday i decided i would try another site for a couple of Sunday mtts and my choice was Party Poker. Now this is where i 1st ever deposited money as i 1st played poker so kinda felt like turning back the years. I played a $100 speed mtt bust tht . played the 300k - $215 buyin party Sunday major. Made it all the way to the final table past 1441 ppl we ended up doin a deal according to chip counts. I got $23,200 so was pretty happy with tht obv :) I only dealt as the blind were now gonna be 50k-100k and i had 1 million so 10 bbs did nt seem like to much fun and i had an average stack so decided to be a nit and deal which is a result im very happy i did...... Now this is mainly to the feeling u get when u bust a big mtt deep. Your simply NEVER really happy unless ur a loser in life and take coming 2nd etc as youv won.... kinda like schools in England teach " its not the winning tht counts its the taking part" seriously WTF this is the most insanly retarded thing ever..... Maybe this is the reason why we get so owned at most sports etc...... just a thought.
Weeeeee as i write this i just been invited to Arsenal vs Barcelona on Wednesday night in London (brag)
Right back to the poker thought summin about never being happy unless u win the tourney. now in dealing I secured myself a nice sum of money obv but the thing like i said is the fact i have zero feeling of disappointment which is worth alot of LIFE EV imo.

I at last took my phone to vodaphone to fix it lol They fixed it now i just gotta go pick it up....... wonder how long this will take me haha
Myself and Karl booked the Vegas flights weeee we booked a day earlier thn we planned on goin as we got 190 pounds of each...... Our flight is with Virgin, premium Economy class cost us 1163 pounds each. We spent this much as were lanky sons of bitchs and get alot of leg room this way guaranteed plus the class of people is higher + u get to see famous people alot too haha

Went out on the town with my boy Luke Friday night again. Epic night once agen we hav so much fun and farrrr to many drinks. we even saw a live guy singing Oasis, Kooks, Razorlight etc was Fucking amazing tbh best live act i seen. So beign balla we got a bottle of wine and sum fat ass glasses and drank while dancing and singing to some awesome classics :)
We thn headed to Tiger Tiger to chase the Hedgehog / Milfs ....... all i can say is what a night !!!!

Watched UFC this weekend i went 6-0 in predicting the fight outcomes., alsways nice when u bet on thm all aswell haha. nettin myself roughly $800 tho i put on $1000 on GSP , KO/TKO and the prick fiddled around and did what he had to do. Fucking GSP u fuckin shit head ass fuck finish a fight please? your more safe thn a seat belt in a car tht has no1 in. take some chances u fuck. Massive props to Shane Carwin who beat the shit out frank "im a cunt" mirr
Mirr is weird looked great in last 2 fights thn in this one shocking? got his ass handed to him on a plate loved it. now Carwin just has to beat my most hated fighter of all time Brock "the cock" lesner. O yeh and one thing cant remember names but a pre fight on the card anyways. A guy slipped a dude got him in a ankle lock the dude tapped out and the prick continued to YANK away for a good 3-5 seconds after the poor man had tapped, Sick fuckin scum bag...... now the dude needs surgery to fix his knee.

Congrats to Craig for binking a WSOP ME seat 1st try must be nice buddy mbn.
I Will also be putting more effort into satelliting in this year as made no effort in years past.

Having hair cut and high lighted tomoz in a nice salon looking forward to tht.

L8ers people and GL at the tables and in life

Andy C aka kingand77

Monday, 15 March 2010

The crazy world

Wasup the crazy world ? Well what hav I been upto thn since my last post?

Well Had a few messy nights out on the town gettin extreamly drunk and dancing my ass off lol

One thing tht put me in super tilt this week was the boiler broke all of a sudeden. It was a top notch brand new system a year ago. I tryed calling someone to come and fix it after like 10 phone calls i realised tht no1 couyld be bothered it seemed and wanted me to wait like 3 days ! WTF i was willing to pay but no1 would help me...... SO i decided to take matters into my own hands and started to browse the internet forums on boiler repairs loool Anyways after an hour of searching i found some great material which seemed to be on my problem :) So i took my new knowledge downstairs to tackle to boiler a few turns of stuff and sum magic hands and BOOM it worked again ...... ( Im So PRO hehe ) Well anyways We now hav a leaking pipe upstairs which in order to fix need a plasterer to cut a hole in the kitchen roof to reach the broken pipe......

more costs sigh. Also the hoover broke today so will be buyin a new dyson :) im guessing this is the most balla hoover u can get.

The Tattoo on my arm needs to be sorted still ..... finding a date for the 1st stage of my sleeve. All this needs to be done before Vegas June 1st

On the poker front not been playing much this month just not been in the mood too much.
I did however hav to deposit $2,250 on ftp so i could pay Someone My share of the Vegas house.
Soooo i put on 3k paid the man his money and tryed to spin up on rush poker. My acc balance is now at 3.8k so a nice hefty 3k profit in a couple weeks of average 45 mins a day probs lol so been running pretty good on the whole. tho i managed to lose QQ on Q,8,5 vs 55 the 1 outer 5 turned for $600 pot at 1/2 but pretty standard to wont complain too much.....actually ran KK into AA the last 3 times pretty brutal but i really do like the whole rush poker makes a nice change + can play alot of hands very quickly. LAG ftw :)
My pkr acc is slowly creaping up also Just broke the $30,000 mark.
Karl the gayer is doing well this week in mtts playing great he says and binked a few final tables which is nice. hopefully he can hav a huge insane heater before Vegas thn PWN the WSOP.
All in all im really really happy about the way iv come bak from the downswing the last few months. Turned it around 100% now and bak to winning ways once again.

Ahh really wanted to mention one thing my dad and mother taught me was Mannors my dads fav saying to me was "Manners Makes Thy Man"
The other night the subject of Manners came up on our taxi home ( very very drunk at he time). Now im a huge fan of PLEASE AND THANKYOUs they cost exactly nothing but show people around tht ur not a scum bag. Like for instance when ur driving and u hav to wait for another car to pass they flash their lights at you or put their hand up. it a small thing but it really makes me fuckin pissed off when they dont, How can sum ppl forget or are their ppl tht are really tht plain ignorant???
This brings me on the the Swearing thing...... Now i love to swear in fact my Favorite word in the whole world is actually FUCK ! its just such a god damn brilliant word.... so so so many different contexts for this Godly word. What i dont get is how the FUCK can ppl get offended when u swear we all know the words exist ! If u swear at someone its a big differance ie "your a fuckin shit taxi driver u piece of shit cunt" now obv thts offensive. But how can ppl get annoyed when u use the words "WOW what a fucking top night out, Im sooo pissed"
Am i the only one in the world tht sees the 1st one is offensive and the 2nd is fine????
Seriously tho this is the modern world now. swearing is the least of our worlds problems i mean just ask BONO...... this guys tilts me so hard

Anyways im off gl at the tables and in life
Andy C

Thursday, 4 March 2010

The returner

Our cat Tilly has loved her new home ( our house ) always cruising around head held high loving life. It has been great having her around.... She never goes out side for long periods of time usually like 30 mins max, then to come running back in looking for sum food hehe. At the weekend she cruised out the cat flap and i noticed she did nt come bak for the whole day :( This was out of character and with the really cold nights we hav was a little worried ....... the next day came and still no sign of her. We all started to worry quite abit now by the time it got to 11pm things did nt look so good? But then....
she came running through the cat flap and demanded some food hehe. She looked genuinely pleased to be home, purring and loving the attention. We can only speculate what she got upto in these couple of days..... the most likely of which is defo, Went to the cat market stole 10 pounds of CATNIP jumped on a plane to Greece to see Winston the cat. They probably cruised around doing shots and beers and danced the night away. Quickly then Jumped on a late night flight back and boom she was back and safe in the house just in time for Dinner.
All in all Very relived she is back home in one piece.

Update on the poker for the month of Feb.
I spun the $5,000 starting roll on pkr into $22,800 so a nice profit indeed. As for rakeback i received $480 which means i didn't play too much, Just game selected and played when i felt most poker like lol. Guess iv ran pretty good in the cash game sector as well as the HU stt's which im a huge winner in :) sharkscope says i own haha.
I played sum PLO cash games live ....... with 98% terrible players, they see every flop with everyhand for any amount pre..... really really clueless. Now i dont claim to be even semi good at plo but i know w good game when i see one. Tho im losin 900 pounds in a 1-1 game lol in last 2 sessions...... Iv ran horrible tho so w/e it will change i know.

Had a hugely fun drunken night on Monday so looool the whole night, i got to see my good friend James Green along with George peak, Dan Edler, Rease, Josh and Luke. Great night all in all. Tiger Tiger is defo the place to be on a Monday night.

Ahhh my Laptop is now fixed by Andy G which is tip top now yay so thanks man.
The Vegas house is sorted now and we hav agreed a price and dates from 1st June to 15th July.
pretty stoked tbh cannot wait..... I even bough sum new RayBans as i lost mine on a jet-ski in Thailand haha gotta love the sunglasses.... now All England needs it sum sun.

Just sent my brother to the Cafe to get me breakfast, this works out well as he gets to eat for free and i get to be a lazy prick and make no effort.

ahh breakfast has arrived gotta dash

Andy c