Tuesday, 13 April 2010


YO !!! Well what have i been upto since last blog..... hmmmm I went out last Thursday for a messy night in Tiger Tiger Fortunately my cousin had done some sort of Bullshit VIP list on Facebook so we got in with no ques or student ID woop woop . Obv had a very very messy night.
Played sum pool also for 1st time in ages and im sure i play better when i dont play for ages : )
So i think im gonna make an effort to play a little more in the near future.... tho i lost to Frankie 9-10 other night which is gay as i was 9-6 up sigh.... ( im such a fish ) Nah Franks a really good player and our matches are usually very close. The guy broke and dished 3 outa 4 frames he broke off so obv he is pretty decent :D
On Saturday it was the PKR high-roller event which i usually play if im about. So Tigerwing said his GF was away so i came round his house obv i insta called round a pizza hut ( lush ???)
Simon managed to satellite into it so we was both playing which was cool. Long story short i placed 3rd for $6250 which is very nice and only my 2nd win in a pkr mtt of over 5k had to ship 10% to Simon tho but thts cool like to swop %s with sum players.
Right recently people are telling me how much iv achieved in poker! This got me thinking i have seriously won alot from poker. Im like 60% cashgame player 30% mtt player and like 10% stt player. In all of these fields i have crushed tbh. While my results on sharkscope arnt brill for pkr tbh tho they have missed out my 4th place in Masters for 7.5k but other sites won nice sums, tilt up like 10k, party up like 22k ish. stars losing run shitty but not played much ther for mtts. Iv played very little live poker. But chopped a live donkament with TheSqueeze for like 5,000 pounds 4th in a Vegas 1k mtt for $47,500. I have never ever played a GUKPT which is shocking really. Played like 2 side events at the Brighton leg last year haha. I Have kept my feet on the ground and kept the cash grind up mostly with mtts on the side when i feel like taking a shot lol
Now its kinda cool tht people respect me in the poker world as i think respect is one of the most important things in life ( along with manners haha just for u Dad tht one )
One thing tho i wish i could achieve is being a sponsored pro so i could play live mtts. Very jelous of karls sick deals and staking etc he has ( FuckingShitAssMonkeyDisco ) haha Now he got his sponsor ship when he prolly didn't deserve it tbh. Long story short he got into game ran like god for a few months won literally everything he entered incl PKR LIVE. And boom he is set up for a couple years of free mtts. Thing is tho this guy is one guy who deserves some luck if anyone in the world does. Iv touched on this before but he is a top man/friend.
Anyways back to the rant. Thing is now Karl plays super sick in mtts making lesser mistakes and being the most agro piece of shit on the mtt online/live circuit :-) basically a really really good player 10x the player he was this time last year and now he runs bad cant win anything for months...... fuckin people dont understand anything about mtt variance ( hence why i dont fork out thousands for live/ online events maybe??? )
This point was just showing u tht any Joe Bloggs can win a few mtts and get to be a PKR/any site pro. This is not ago atal at Karl infact quite the opposite more an appraisal.
Im pleased to say he won a 30r last night on FTP for 7k and has had a few close ones l8ly so hope he starts running good again and crushes. Main event would be nice in Vegas as we will have alot of people in our house playing it ! Some deep runs please???
I cannot fucking wait till Vegas im so fucking excited :) So many good times to be had weeee
Other news my nan is ill in hospital which is very sad/ hope she recovers soon as possible.
My Mum has moved into her new flat needed money for new windows so she asked if i could lend i this got me thinking ........ A month ago she stopped doin my washing for me which is fuckin BS as like fuckin shit i wanna do it, I used to pay her also BTW. So i not had any1 to do it for a while so i said ill lend u the money if u start doing my washing again haha. Obv she agreed 1-0 to me...... or maybe she stopped doing it thn asked for the money knowing i would say if only u do my washing sickkkkkkkk Level Mum wp......Thats like 26 betting me allin pre with the Ironing board and the Ariel

Im contemplating going out tonight..... maybe play some pool and get messy thn hit the Route66 for some classic tunes just like my Fav mtt final table song :P

Ok laters guys ill update soon i hope o BTW pkr BR upto $43,200 :)

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Graphes and Messyness

Ok some people asked me to add my Hold em manager graph. So i decided i will be now posting graphs + pics etc. This graph is for the last 2 months in which i have only played 16,000 hands on PKR.
Played some mtts and rush poker etc on other sites. but probably not play more thn 20k altogether in cash games.
As u can see i have ran decent and im currently running above allin EV which hasn't happened before on a graph iv had :) after running 37k below
EV on my downswing i will take this +EV with very big gratitude.
So i havnt been playing much latly and results seem to be SICK good. Add my 23k score on party and 7k more of wins ther makes me in the last 2-3 months banked up a total of around $60,000 :-) My pkr roll has gone from 5k to 37k as of now in this time period and i feel like my game is always improving. I will tho be trying to put effort in to 2 table say a couple of tuff 5-10 games and 100% focus on all my decisions instead of auto piloting. Just as playing with better/tuff people can only do wonders for your game (if u are competent and not retarded)

Now iv kinda broken my i think i cant be assed to go out and get drunk often statement lol
Iv been out a hell of alot ( well for my clubbing/drinking standards ) Its been so much fun got a few great m8s to go out with Luke and Dan mainly. they love to dance/ get messy as fuck (drunk) I have sum pics of last couple nights out i will post. Iv been dragged along tonight it looks like by a girl i met the other night, story goes like this....... Myself , George and Lewis turn up to Tiger Tiger around 11pm drunk as skunks but very aware of whats going on etc. We new tht every1 our age was in that club and just had to get in..... But the queue was HUGE apparently 2 hours long lol so i decided to do abit of the james666 and walk to from and try and pay the bouncers to get in. So up we strolled convo went like this

ME" hey man is ther any way we can get in now"

Bouncer " yes u have to queue with your student ID"

ME" do be serious look at the line were never get in in time, hows about i pay u to let us 3 in? Ill give u 300 pounds around $500 for just us 3 only"

Bouncer" sorry we cant do tht its unfair on ppl tht have queued"

ME " can i speak with the manager plz this is retarded u let ppl in for free and not 3 guys willing to pay 300 quid"

Meat head bouncer "I am the manager"

ME' yes im sure u are m8 loool"

Anyways we walked to the smoking area upstairs which had a door to try and bribe him up ther. but i met these ppl i knew ther smoking And Annelise who i knew of but never spoke to. she saw i had no stamp and proceeded to stamp her onto my hand ! BOOM it worked and in a went with them :) haha free entry no cue boom. so big thanks. to show my thanks i bought like 40 double vodka redbulls got a table and sat and drank/danced the night away :) Class night for the record incredible smashed finished the night of with a cheeky kiss with Annelise and a hot dog out side.
Soo now she is dragging me out tonight for sum more antics and drunkenness with all her girl m8s , o know mist of thm so will be uber cool.

Here are sum pics of last couple nights out

Well i imagine tonight is gonna be messy as fuck aswell. Just hope my poorly body can cope with all this partying. Guess its good prep work for the 6 weeks in Vegas with the Lads booom.

P.S the Arsenal VS Barca game i went to was fucking sick good. Thnka s bunch Jake u Legend.

My mate Mogwa1 aka james from Pompey is staying for 5 weeks with us in the poker pad in Los Vegas ( stoked much ..... ermmm yeh? )

Have fun people and GL at the tables and in life.

Kingand77 AKA Andy C

Monday, 29 March 2010

BINK, UFC, Arsenal vs Barca, Vegas flights

Well last Sunday i decided i would try another site for a couple of Sunday mtts and my choice was Party Poker. Now this is where i 1st ever deposited money as i 1st played poker so kinda felt like turning back the years. I played a $100 speed mtt bust tht . played the 300k - $215 buyin party Sunday major. Made it all the way to the final table past 1441 ppl we ended up doin a deal according to chip counts. I got $23,200 so was pretty happy with tht obv :) I only dealt as the blind were now gonna be 50k-100k and i had 1 million so 10 bbs did nt seem like to much fun and i had an average stack so decided to be a nit and deal which is a result im very happy i did...... Now this is mainly to the feeling u get when u bust a big mtt deep. Your simply NEVER really happy unless ur a loser in life and take coming 2nd etc as youv won.... kinda like schools in England teach " its not the winning tht counts its the taking part" seriously WTF this is the most insanly retarded thing ever..... Maybe this is the reason why we get so owned at most sports etc...... just a thought.
Weeeeee as i write this i just been invited to Arsenal vs Barcelona on Wednesday night in London (brag)
Right back to the poker thought summin about never being happy unless u win the tourney. now in dealing I secured myself a nice sum of money obv but the thing like i said is the fact i have zero feeling of disappointment which is worth alot of LIFE EV imo.

I at last took my phone to vodaphone to fix it lol They fixed it now i just gotta go pick it up....... wonder how long this will take me haha
Myself and Karl booked the Vegas flights weeee we booked a day earlier thn we planned on goin as we got 190 pounds of each...... Our flight is with Virgin, premium Economy class cost us 1163 pounds each. We spent this much as were lanky sons of bitchs and get alot of leg room this way guaranteed plus the class of people is higher + u get to see famous people alot too haha

Went out on the town with my boy Luke Friday night again. Epic night once agen we hav so much fun and farrrr to many drinks. we even saw a live guy singing Oasis, Kooks, Razorlight etc was Fucking amazing tbh best live act i seen. So beign balla we got a bottle of wine and sum fat ass glasses and drank while dancing and singing to some awesome classics :)
We thn headed to Tiger Tiger to chase the Hedgehog / Milfs ....... all i can say is what a night !!!!

Watched UFC this weekend i went 6-0 in predicting the fight outcomes., alsways nice when u bet on thm all aswell haha. nettin myself roughly $800 tho i put on $1000 on GSP , KO/TKO and the prick fiddled around and did what he had to do. Fucking GSP u fuckin shit head ass fuck finish a fight please? your more safe thn a seat belt in a car tht has no1 in. take some chances u fuck. Massive props to Shane Carwin who beat the shit out frank "im a cunt" mirr
Mirr is weird looked great in last 2 fights thn in this one shocking? got his ass handed to him on a plate loved it. now Carwin just has to beat my most hated fighter of all time Brock "the cock" lesner. O yeh and one thing cant remember names but a pre fight on the card anyways. A guy slipped a dude got him in a ankle lock the dude tapped out and the prick continued to YANK away for a good 3-5 seconds after the poor man had tapped, Sick fuckin scum bag...... now the dude needs surgery to fix his knee.

Congrats to Craig for binking a WSOP ME seat 1st try must be nice buddy mbn.
I Will also be putting more effort into satelliting in this year as made no effort in years past.

Having hair cut and high lighted tomoz in a nice salon looking forward to tht.

L8ers people and GL at the tables and in life

Andy C aka kingand77

Monday, 15 March 2010

The crazy world

Wasup the crazy world ? Well what hav I been upto thn since my last post?

Well Had a few messy nights out on the town gettin extreamly drunk and dancing my ass off lol

One thing tht put me in super tilt this week was the boiler broke all of a sudeden. It was a top notch brand new system a year ago. I tryed calling someone to come and fix it after like 10 phone calls i realised tht no1 couyld be bothered it seemed and wanted me to wait like 3 days ! WTF i was willing to pay but no1 would help me...... SO i decided to take matters into my own hands and started to browse the internet forums on boiler repairs loool Anyways after an hour of searching i found some great material which seemed to be on my problem :) So i took my new knowledge downstairs to tackle to boiler a few turns of stuff and sum magic hands and BOOM it worked again ...... ( Im So PRO hehe ) Well anyways We now hav a leaking pipe upstairs which in order to fix need a plasterer to cut a hole in the kitchen roof to reach the broken pipe......

more costs sigh. Also the hoover broke today so will be buyin a new dyson :) im guessing this is the most balla hoover u can get.

The Tattoo on my arm needs to be sorted still ..... finding a date for the 1st stage of my sleeve. All this needs to be done before Vegas June 1st

On the poker front not been playing much this month just not been in the mood too much.
I did however hav to deposit $2,250 on ftp so i could pay Someone My share of the Vegas house.
Soooo i put on 3k paid the man his money and tryed to spin up on rush poker. My acc balance is now at 3.8k so a nice hefty 3k profit in a couple weeks of average 45 mins a day probs lol so been running pretty good on the whole. tho i managed to lose QQ on Q,8,5 vs 55 the 1 outer 5 turned for $600 pot at 1/2 but pretty standard to wont complain too much.....actually ran KK into AA the last 3 times pretty brutal but i really do like the whole rush poker makes a nice change + can play alot of hands very quickly. LAG ftw :)
My pkr acc is slowly creaping up also Just broke the $30,000 mark.
Karl the gayer is doing well this week in mtts playing great he says and binked a few final tables which is nice. hopefully he can hav a huge insane heater before Vegas thn PWN the WSOP.
All in all im really really happy about the way iv come bak from the downswing the last few months. Turned it around 100% now and bak to winning ways once again.

Ahh really wanted to mention one thing my dad and mother taught me was Mannors my dads fav saying to me was "Manners Makes Thy Man"
The other night the subject of Manners came up on our taxi home ( very very drunk at he time). Now im a huge fan of PLEASE AND THANKYOUs they cost exactly nothing but show people around tht ur not a scum bag. Like for instance when ur driving and u hav to wait for another car to pass they flash their lights at you or put their hand up. it a small thing but it really makes me fuckin pissed off when they dont, How can sum ppl forget or are their ppl tht are really tht plain ignorant???
This brings me on the the Swearing thing...... Now i love to swear in fact my Favorite word in the whole world is actually FUCK ! its just such a god damn brilliant word.... so so so many different contexts for this Godly word. What i dont get is how the FUCK can ppl get offended when u swear we all know the words exist ! If u swear at someone its a big differance ie "your a fuckin shit taxi driver u piece of shit cunt" now obv thts offensive. But how can ppl get annoyed when u use the words "WOW what a fucking top night out, Im sooo pissed"
Am i the only one in the world tht sees the 1st one is offensive and the 2nd is fine????
Seriously tho this is the modern world now. swearing is the least of our worlds problems i mean just ask BONO...... this guys tilts me so hard

Anyways im off gl at the tables and in life
Andy C

Thursday, 4 March 2010

The returner

Our cat Tilly has loved her new home ( our house ) always cruising around head held high loving life. It has been great having her around.... She never goes out side for long periods of time usually like 30 mins max, then to come running back in looking for sum food hehe. At the weekend she cruised out the cat flap and i noticed she did nt come bak for the whole day :( This was out of character and with the really cold nights we hav was a little worried ....... the next day came and still no sign of her. We all started to worry quite abit now by the time it got to 11pm things did nt look so good? But then....
she came running through the cat flap and demanded some food hehe. She looked genuinely pleased to be home, purring and loving the attention. We can only speculate what she got upto in these couple of days..... the most likely of which is defo, Went to the cat market stole 10 pounds of CATNIP jumped on a plane to Greece to see Winston the cat. They probably cruised around doing shots and beers and danced the night away. Quickly then Jumped on a late night flight back and boom she was back and safe in the house just in time for Dinner.
All in all Very relived she is back home in one piece.

Update on the poker for the month of Feb.
I spun the $5,000 starting roll on pkr into $22,800 so a nice profit indeed. As for rakeback i received $480 which means i didn't play too much, Just game selected and played when i felt most poker like lol. Guess iv ran pretty good in the cash game sector as well as the HU stt's which im a huge winner in :) sharkscope says i own haha.
I played sum PLO cash games live ....... with 98% terrible players, they see every flop with everyhand for any amount pre..... really really clueless. Now i dont claim to be even semi good at plo but i know w good game when i see one. Tho im losin 900 pounds in a 1-1 game lol in last 2 sessions...... Iv ran horrible tho so w/e it will change i know.

Had a hugely fun drunken night on Monday so looool the whole night, i got to see my good friend James Green along with George peak, Dan Edler, Rease, Josh and Luke. Great night all in all. Tiger Tiger is defo the place to be on a Monday night.

Ahhh my Laptop is now fixed by Andy G which is tip top now yay so thanks man.
The Vegas house is sorted now and we hav agreed a price and dates from 1st June to 15th July.
pretty stoked tbh cannot wait..... I even bough sum new RayBans as i lost mine on a jet-ski in Thailand haha gotta love the sunglasses.... now All England needs it sum sun.

Just sent my brother to the Cafe to get me breakfast, this works out well as he gets to eat for free and i get to be a lazy prick and make no effort.

ahh breakfast has arrived gotta dash

Andy c

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Im back :) last 2 months ish

Ok long time since i last posted :) so what have i done in this last couple months?

- Setup my new house : OK i ll start with the house, my self Joe and Robert my 18 and 17 years old brothers have finished moving into my Dads old house :) It so far has been pretty decent with no arguing etc We hav our own room each mine being he biggest with my computer setup and tv setup needing the most room lol. They hav X-box and 47" TV downstairs. We decided to purchase Sky HD for 3 of the rooms in the house { my room, living room and Joe's room }This has been a great idea and i actually watch a little TV now...... I can watch the premier league darts and lots football matches too in lush HD quality, which for wot its worth is fucking great :)
We hav hired a cleaner tht comes for around 2 hours a week once on Monday and once on Friday, this has been working out well and only costs like 20 Pounds a week. The house is always pretty tidy and smells nice.

-Been arranging house for Vegas: Karl ( discomonkey) + myself have been looking into houses for the summer 6 weeks in Vegas !!! very exciting. We hav been looking at 9 bedroom places and may hav found a very nice one. Hopefully all goes well ill keep u posted on tht. I will be staying with 10 other poker players and friends.

- Had few losing months in poker: Ok onto some poker. Since i hav got back from Thailand the poker has been going terrible i ran 37k below EV in HM. This incl sum shot taking at 10-20 when games where great. But usual story for me incl losing hands such as AA vs KK aipf for 5,000 pot. set vs set etc. I understand these are all standard but seriously cut me a fucking break poker gods on shot taking. it would be nice to run good just one time i find the worlds juiciest game :(
Hence why i decided to buy an X-box and watch 4 seasons on prison break. But anyways i set myself a goal to get bak into the game this month and try and win 10k I withdrew from pkr and left myself 5k to spin up from. Playing 2/4 ,3/6 and 5-10. If i lost in a session a would deposit bak to 5k and start agen. I had to deposit 2k on the 2nd day i think because i went down to 2.8k I reset the bankroll because the last few months were vile literally losing every pot i played regardless of what i held..... I Had a losing mentality this point and wanted to start each session like it was a new life if i had lost the previous. Anyways this month i span my 4.6k starting day to what is now a couple weeks later to $17,657 so super stoked to be bak into winning ways, and the last few days actually ran pretty decent :) Long may it continue .....
PS plz can i ban myself from Pokerstars as this site hates me. Iv lost count of the $600's iv done in my life time for mtt's, stts, plo cash. it wont let me win anything every no matter what i play, stakes, games just lose lose lose...... time to quit the random $ ther?

- Betfair live in Austria: short summery, I went with Simon (Tigerwing) Jamie (SoooSick)
To Austria to play a crap shoot mtt 220 euro buyin. We bought packages off sum betfair players tht won thm the package was hotel for 2 nights and buyin for donkament. They was worth $700 but we bought thm for $400 :) Happy days !!! Trip was very tiring as I did nt get much sleep the beds were vile and mattress didn't suit me :( I played sum live cash game poker 2/5 euro blinds and won 475 also played in a 1/2 games and lost 80 the players were worst i ever played in a cash game, what makes it worse it they were taking it really seriously and playing Terrabad lol So they havn't even got the " Im drunk Excuse" hehe I did manage to get my hands on a 500 Euro note which i found fascinating as id never had one before and biggest note England has tht ppl use is a 50 lol so i felt pretty Balla!!! The food was pretty rank, best meal we had was Burger King ( twice ) lol teh promo girls a couple of thm looked like Men..... very disturbing indeed. Ok trip in all ended by a wanker cabbie charging us 44 pounds for a 10 min trip meh London cabbie wankers.

- Played some live tourneys at Big slick ( local live poker card room ) Won a few live donkaments in my time off from online poker won the monthly major. chopped HU at 7:30am for 1500 pounds each :)

-watched 4 seasons of Prison break

-Got a pet Cat : my mum moved house and i guess didn't have room for her ( tilly ) she is a wonderful addition to our house and wouldn't change having her for the world.

- Banged in a couple 180's at darts, and got a 41 break at snooker.

-Bought an X-box for myself so i can play Call of Duty (plus a new TV as my other one is in the lounge) So I decided to at last play COD ( call of duty ) having never ever played any of the games before i started a total noob, watched my brother rob playing he is really good so learned sum tactics etc off of him. I also watched sum pro's playing on Youtube for extra help etc for a faster learning experience :) kinda like joining a poker training website if u will. So i have been enjoying the game playing strictly online modes only. my favorite one being free for all. I have learned quick and getting better each day. ( not bad for a noob )

So Im back people and will start to blog again more frequently its 7.30 am atm so i better get sum sleep.
Peace of people at Good luck at the tables

Andy C, kingand77