Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Sweden !!!

Thursday started with me swoping my computer setup while im away travelling with my brother laptop becuase his is better thn my old vile laptop. haha
I got driven upto Heathrow airport by my stepdad on friday morning for my flight to Sweden !!
When i got to Sweden i got the Arlanda express train to Stockholm central and Henrick picked me up in his nice BMW !!! He took me to his appartment which is also very nice, modern decor and perfect for a trendy swedish wanker like him lol ! we got a pizza from the pizza shop below the flat ( so sick how good this guy runs even a pizza shop next to his house wtf)
we stayed in the 1st night and played sum poker and chatted.
Saturday night was Amazing. we went to the local Casino to play poker and get drunk before we headed to a really really sweet club CAFE OPRA. We decided to eat at the casinos restuarant ! the food was stunning and not to expensive + drinks were really cheap here so has quite a few double vodca redbulls :) Now it was time to play poker we played in a 50/50 cash game which means in england pretty much a £5/£5 game. Henrik started which 5000 crown and finished on 25,000 ! he made sum good calls vs a few big bluffs so wp sir. i on the other hand proceded to drop about 10,000 crowns so around a £1,000 loss. but w/e i dont regret my plays just varience.
we drank and chatted to people at the table all of which spoke perfect English :) we drank alot of jagermeister and left around midnight to meet Henriks friend Charlie at the club. when we got to the club it was fucking packed, packed with the largest amount of SUPER HOT girls i v ever seen. literally no joke 90% of them were all gorgeous and none where ugly or fat etc ! such an unreal experience, did nt know this was so true about the rumours iv heard before.
So we got into the club and we had the best table in teh club ! fucking sick !!!!!!!! we met charlie and his sister + her hot friends ! Then mr Pokey85 ( Henrik ) ordered 2 bottles of Moet which cost him like 4000 crowns i think. in total he spent 6000 crowns wot a nice guy huh :)
Just as i was getting hammered at the table Fred85 from pkr and my thailand trip buddy popped in to say hi ! he was already pissed out his face but was really cool to see the guy at last !
we all drank and danced till the club shut around 3.30am i beleive? we ended the night by getting a Mc donalds and a taxi home. Charlie stayed round pokeys this night also.
One of my best nights out ever i think ( FOOD, POKER, DRINKS, CLUB ) it doesn't get any better than this does it ? Sunday was a chill out day recovering. Charlie and pokey played PS3 all day sum shit hockey game and UFC lol
Monday Henrik had work in the day so i stayed at his place doing fuck all so decided to play sum pokeys and won around $1200 + played sum red alert 2 :)
Later tht day we got pizza agen lol watched football on tv and thn went to meet fred and max at the casino to play sum poker. when we got ther they said the poker room was closed sigh 2 days a year and we run this good to pick one on my small trip here FML
Instead we went to a bar and drank a few beers and called it an early night.
When we was home we played sum HU stts ( pokeys fav thing in poker haha) I played two $200 ones vs rambo on pkr who is terrible and ofc i won both :) also used my HU final stage ticket and shipped the 1st place agen for $380 so yesterday total i won like $2,000 ish

Myself Max and Fred hav booked our hotel and flights to thailand on wednesday 21st Oct so thts fuckin awsum and cant wait. FML with the massive flight tho wtf sigh

So my trip to Sweden has come to an end and i must say its been Amazing. I couldn't of asked to meet nicer people and Hericks hospitality has been great ! Thnks man for letting me stay at your house, Its very nice of you and im very greatful! So now im moving onto Thailand with Fred and Max, two guys tht love to get drunk and party ! sooooo fun times here we come.

PS BulletproofJ start runnign better plz i read your post and seems your running super bad. GL

Gl at the tables and in life people
Kingand77 / Andy C.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Many topics

This week i hav played basically zero online poker as i havnt felt like it atal :( So its defo not a good mood for playing in. I hav been to Big slick almost every night this week to chill out and play sum live poker donkaments. Im plus for the week so thts nice. Lately i must of played like 6 mtts and had a 3rd place finish and two 1st places which makes me up alot £500 and £700 wins, plus im up like £400 in cash games..... I crush hehe
Now I will write this part down now before i sleep and forget how to word it tomoz :) Lately i been thinking about alot of stuff all the time which gets me down. This is usually when im laying in bed about to sleep or sumtimes just random thoughts pop into my head. They are usally about wot i dont hav hence Love in my life. I mean this in the GF sense not family love as i hav tons of tht :) I think about an ex relationship alot of the time which sucks......... Soooo all this thinking makes me dream alot and i remember them. Not good when alot of thm are so called nightmares. I go through random patches of these every now and thn WTF? I dunno wot im saying with all this but guess i think to negative sometimes. Hard to always look on the bright side of life? hmmmm
On other news the girl i kinda liked a while ago sent me a pic of her in her underwear !!! I 1st saw this on her phone a while ago and she said she would send this to me and it arrived tonight !!! Very very nice suprise as she was looking "Stunning" to be quite honest , so thnks for tht.
I must comment on Andy Gowens amazing 6 seater STT performance! A real champion and i see bright things for the future for this man........ so WP taking down the Huge 1st proze of $20
Ahh better comment on the Thailand adventure..... does nt seem to be going anywhere atm no plans as yet and does nt seem to be any in the pipework so guess i ll just play it by ear.
Gotta say a GL wish to Beyne and my friend James Sudworth who are both in the semi finals of a $10,000 HU live poker torney in London. All the best James u deserve it !!! Take tht bitch down

I wrote this blog in 2 different days so might read weird but o well w/e such as life.

Kingand77. Andy C

Monday, 5 October 2009


This weekend I hardly played any poker online. Friday night I invited for dinner round mums house for wot i must say was the best home made lasagna I had EVER eaten. So props to the best lady in the world also dropped off loads of washing haha ( i pay my mum to do my washing as it takes up far to much time and is also a massive effort plus means i hav another excuse to see the family) So pretty much a win win situation for every1 :-)
I went thn and played live pokers for a cash game £ 1/2 blinds which was a dealers choice game.
The 3 games u could play are HOLDEM/OMAHA/IRISH HOLDEM. All these games were potlimit.
I managed to play into the early hours of the morning like 7am and book a solid £300 profit :) It was also a great laugh as there was a story telling guy at the table who was pretty funny.
On Saturday i played live agen and cashed in a very small field mtt got 3rd. Played snooker and ate take outs for rest of night :)
So this Sunday i decided tht i was nt gonna play online MTTS as was just not feeling it. I agen went to Big slick and lounged around eating Chinese and watching X-factor. All the decent ppl got through except for the ugly twins tht Irish plank put through. Every1 seems to think ther alful but i guess maybe they hav a little summin special........ probably tht they suck each other off every night while listening to will young.
I decided id make a small deposit and play at the computers ther and try and spin up a mini roll in one session at 1/2. I made a few buy ins profit, lost £80 at blackjack and quit. So nice profit ther :) hehe Also in the few times i played PKR at the weekend i managed to book a solid profit of a few thousand $$$$ so account is now booming after a $800 Rakeback also been paid to my account. $37,335 in the pokers account which is pretty sweet especially after last weeks antics of running bad...... playing like a donk ......... :)
Congrats to mtt pro Nick / salamader6 on ftp. he got 3rd in the 50r on Pokerstars on Sunday for little over $16,000 :) so grats to him for tht impressive score.
Dunno if my trip to Thailand is happening anytime soon as max is ill and has nt spoke to me about it in ages. me thinks maybe he dont wanna come to England 1st like he said he would so we could fly the long trip together..... i ll keep u informed of updates.

Kingand77 / Andy C

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Spun the account around

Well my roughly $15,000 losing last week came to an end on Saturday night where i played sum juicy 5-10 cash games. I managed to get unstuck to the tune of 7k tht night which was solid, followed by the next few days with another like 5k so really turned the bad week around :)
It did nt affect me tht much mentally just was disappointing to lose tht much so quick on a passive site with lots bad players.
On Wednesday of the losing week i thought tht i take a night off and take my Brother to the cinema to see District 9 and boy tht was a great choice ! One of the best films i ever seen ( seriously amazing) Even tho i had to pay like $50-$60 for the trip altogether probably saved me a ton in monies tht night if i played the pokers.
1st week i ever looked at HM properly and it defo helps and am going to be using it to go over hands and results in the future :) I played live pokers on saturday night and bust a £150 freeze out. Worste standard i ever saw lols literally 5 ppl in the room even new how to play sumwot all the rest are HUGE fish and stations. SO decided tht i will be playing the £150 NLH/PLO torney on sunday instead of playing horrible mtts online which are pissing me off l8ly. I took $5,000 out of FTP and now got tiny rolls on both stars and FTP of like $2500 each. meh w/e

Right now i not feeling like playing online poker so gonna go see a few friends at bigslick and probs play the small nightly mtt. Gonna be receiving like $1,000 in Rb in the next couple days from last months play :) just so feels like free money and i love that.

p.s id love to know why the fuck razor blades for my razor cost so fucking much? lol

Andy C, kingand77, gl at the tables ppl